
Tips and Tricks for Wavy Hair!

Hello everyone! I hope your day has gone well so far, mine has been a bit stressful so I am happy that I have found the time to sit down and relax. I have been brainstorming ideas for some of my future posts and I am really excited to type up one of them for you now. Tips and tricks for wavy hair! 

I have wavy hair and sometimes I feel as if I would give anything to trade in my locks for naturally straight hair. However, over my life my mother and various articles around the web have given me some insight into properly taking care of my waves. Read on to learn the little tricks I use to keep my waves shiny, healthy, and manageable!

Read on for the tips! 
  • Try your best to not brush your hair, especially when it is wet. Always comb it!
    A comb will help to keep your waves bouncy while a brush will leave them dull and often times straighter than you'd like them to be. I have this problem on the under layers of my hair and I have found that if I run a comb through my hair instead of a brush my hair will stay wavy.
  • To control frizz, spritz on a leave in conditioner then gently comb.
    For some reason, wavy hair has a tendency to get dry. Especially if your shampoo contains sodium sulfate, which strips away your sebum. This dryness ups the possibility of frizz so to help control that find a nice leave in conditioner and gently comb it through your hair for some extra moisture! Don't use too much though, I have made that mistake a few times before ^^.
Here is a leave in conditioner that I love!
  • For added shine, blast some cool air on your roots! Always keep the drier pointed down.
    This trick is an honest life saver for me. I went through a period of time when my hair seemed to suck up light like a black hole instead of reflecting the light. I found this trick one day while surfing through the web and tried it that night and my hair felt softer and had a nice sheen to it!
  • This goes with the previous tip, try to rinse conditioner out with cool water.
    Cool or cold water helps to seal moisture into your hair better than warm water does, so when rinsing out your conditioner use cool water instead. Some people swear by this and others feel it is a hoax, I personally feel that it helps my hair but that could just be my results. Let me know if this works for you!
  • One more tip relating to warm water, if you have a problem with dandruff, try to take cooler showers. This has helped me to reduce (not completely get rid of, sadly) any flakes I might get. This has also worked for my boyfriend so go ahead and try it.
  • Put your hair into a loose braid at night and undo in the morning. You'll have cute defined curls!
    Try to do this when your hair is damp (not dripping wet! you might break your hair off!) after your shower (after you've used cool air on your roots of course!) to really achieve this.
  • If you have somewhere to be that night, put hair into a messy bun and spritz with leave in conditioner.
    Take it down before you need to be somewhere and have shiny, voluminous waves! You could also sleep on the bun overnight though I try to not keep my hair up too often out of fear of breakage.
  • Silk. Serum.
Biosilk Silk Therapy.
     My mother brought this home one day and it was like heaven had landed in my hands. Biosilk is wonderful. It helps to add shine and softness to your hair and helps to keep the frizzies away. I swear by the product as long as you do not use to much. A little goes a long way with this product so be careful! Especially if you have naturally oily hair! This will leave your hair limp and greasy if you use too much. One more thing, this product is pricey, however, if you heed my advice to not use too much this product will last you for a long time!

That is all the tips I have for now, if you have anything you would like to add to this list please comment letting me know and I will gladly add to it! I hope any/all of these tips work for you.
Have a lovely day/night!

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